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Help Me Choose

Too many options often lead to slower conversions. To help dubious potential users, Weight Watchers Australia wanted a conversion funnel that helped these users to join WW. The solution was to help users choose a weight loss plan based on their habits and personal preferences. With a steady rise in conversion rates and this page has been adopted by WW across all regions. (Yaay!🎉)




Weight Watchers

Project type

Landing page, Sales funnel

Project outline

Based on analytics, Weight Watchers realised they had trouble converting potential customers into paying subscribers. With a platter of good options, users often bounced without completing the payment. The creative brief was to analyse the user flow, understand the pitfalls and provide possible solutions to boost organic conversions.


Weight loss is often a sensitive topic. It was harder to understand the perspective and the goals of the users who are visiting the website. Based on the analytics it wasn't clear what causes the user to drop out. Also, there was no scope in improving the checkout page, payment page due to technical constraints.

Exploration & Refinements

We surveyed a group of Weight Watcher users to understand the decision making process. In most cases, users wanted to know how much weight they could loose and the lifestyle changes that they will undergo by subscribing to a WW plan. Based on this, we dissected the plans available and grouped them based on four key indicators; motivation, social life, accountability and learning methods. Also, we wanted to know their goal weight to estimate the time for their subscription plan. The solution was to create a simple questionnaire (like the infamous BuzzFeed quizzes 😂) to ease the user's decision making. The questions helped us figure out the subscription timeline and the type of WW Plan that suits the potential user.

Easing the user into the decision process and clearing up all the lingering questions helped increase the conversion rates. This page resulted in a steady rise in the number of subscribers. Page analytics was evident and supported our solution. (Yaay!🎉) This was a huge success for WW AU and later this was adopted globally.


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